Youths taking on the challenge of men's cheerleading is depicted in this coming-of-age drama by GOGO♂ike-men5 writer/director, Fukuyama Sakurako. Seven member song & dance group, "Bullet Train," star in their first film. Seven childhood friends who belonged to a youth group in their neighborhood association have grown up and gone their separate ways. Through unusual circumstances, they are entrusted with an event at the neighborhood festival and give their all to lift the spirits of a young girl, Hana (Iwasaki Miku) and her shut-in mother Usagi (Asami Reina) through cheerleading.
「桃色幸运草Z」的兄弟组合,2011年成立的男子7人組「超特急」成员主演、为了一名少女而挑战男子啦啦队的青春电影。神社继承人大悟、兄弟賢将、蔬菜屋的貴章等属于町内会青年团的7人、小时候亲密无间经常一起玩,长大后却各自忙于事业。某天,7个人在巧合下接受了町内会祭典的活动任务,在这其间,他们得知8岁少女小花的妈妈因为丈夫亡故而自暴自弃,因此想继续小花父亲曾经在学生时代参与过的男子啦啦队,以此来鼓励她们。小花的扮演者是「真幌站前狂騒曲」的岩崎未来、母亲的扮演者是「LIMIT OF LOVE 海猿」的浅見れいな。