في مناوبته الليلية، يتلقى شاب عشريني يعمل في مركز خدمة عملاء لإحدى شركات الإنترنت اتصالا من عميل يشكو انقطاع الخدمة، ورغم محاولاته لمساعدته؛ إلا أن العميل لم يتقبل ذلك بسهولة، وسرعان ما يقوم بتوبيخه ويكشف له مدى انسحاقه وضعفه وبشاعة حياته.
Zein, a young man in his mid 20s, seems content with his job as a customer service representative for an internet service provider. During one of his shifts, way past midnight, he receives a call from a customer, Akram. Complaining about a malfunction, Akram’s frustration starts growing. His dissatisfaction with the process gradually becomes an abusive rant, during which he lashes out at Zein, exposing to him the drudgery of his work, his powerlessness, and the ugliness of his life.