A faction of the Communist Party puts Tokyo rocked by demonstrations that they start. Despite this marked the inner circle of more uncertainty and group sex than determination and morale. When the police forcing them to go underground, and the mysterious Suzuki joins, starts the internal tensions in the group take over.
Un gruppo di giovani rivoluzionari ossessionati dal sesso viene a contatto, in modo brutale, con le limitazioni alla libertà che vogliono combattere, proprio a partire dal loro interno, attraverso l’opera di un infiltrato.
A faction of the Communist Party puts Tokyo rocked by demonstrations that they start. Despite this marked the inner circle of more uncertainty and group sex than determination and morale. When the police forcing them to go underground, and the mysterious Suzuki joins, starts the internal tensions in the group take over.
20世纪60年代,日本学生运动渐次激烈,学生和政府之间的对抗朝着暴力的方向失控狂奔。某晚,登川直造(笹原茂朱 饰)、丸山国男(山川蜜 饰)等人领导的学生组织在据点内遭到警方搜捕,混乱之中,他们夺下警察的配枪夺路而逃。在经过某个漆黑巷道时,他们将手枪扔在公共厕所的洗脸盆中,被路过于此的公司青年职员铃木(秋山未知污 饰)拾得。厌倦了枯燥呆板的公司氛围以及平庸无望的生活,铃木追上众人,希望加入他们的组织。次日,登川等人的拒捕行动被媒体歪曲成袭击警察的恶性案件。为避风头,他们跟随铃木躲进郊外一所公寓中,日常以吃喝、做爱打发时间,所有外务全由铃木打理。 学运的失败和理想的破灭让这群年轻人朝向破灭,纵情享乐。铃木却不愿面对这样的失败……
Krytyka rewolucji studenckiej lat 60-tych. Młodzi członkowie partii komunistycznej uciekając z demonstracji przez policją chronią się w prywatnym mieszkaniu. Jedna grupa planuje zamach na premiera, a druga oddaje się seksualnym orgiom.
A faction of the Communist Party puts Tokyo rocked by demonstrations that they start. Despite this marked the inner circle of more uncertainty and group sex than determination and morale. When the police forcing them to go underground, and the mysterious Suzuki joins, starts the internal tensions in the group take over.
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