The film 'Seven Intellectuals In Bamboo Forest' is based on the history of seven talented intellectuals from the ancient Chinese Wei and Jin Dynasties. Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Shan Tao, Liu Ling, Ruan Yan, Xiang Xiu and Wang Rong were famous poets and artists at that time. Open and unruly, they used to gather and drink in the bamboo forest, singing songs and playing traditional Chinese musical instruments, in the hope of escaping from earthly life. They pursued individuality, freedom, and liberty. Their remarkable talent and passion made them a notable group in Chinese history. Part 4 is about the idea of living on an island with no one else, avoiding the hustle and bustle of the busy metropolis. In Chinese legend, there is an island of Peach Blossoms - the very ideal place to live, where one's thoughts can fly freely.
- Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest Part 4
- 7 Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest 4
电影《竹林七识》取材于中国古代魏晋七位才子的历史。阮籍、季康、单涛、刘玲、阮颜、向修、王榕等都是当时著名的诗人、艺术家。他们曾经放荡不羁,聚在竹林里喝酒,唱歌,弹奏传统乐器,希望能脱离尘世。他们追求个性、自由和自由。他们非凡的才华和热情使他们成为中国历史上引人注目的群体。第 4 部分是关于在没有其他人的岛上生活的想法,避开繁忙大都市的喧嚣。在中国的传说中,有一个桃花岛——一个非常理想的居住地,在那里思想可以自由飞翔。