Menacée dans son pays, Neda, une étudiante syrienne, a dû fuir pour la France, laissant sa mère et son petit frère sous les bombes. Rongée d’inquiétude, elle essaie constamment de les joindre par skype, mais la liaison passe rarement. Et le sentiment d’exil s’accentue.
With looming threats in her country, 25-year-old Nada, a Syrian student, takes refuge in France. She had to leave behind her mother, brother and little nephew - relying only on daily contact through Skype. But her real nightmare begins when she learns that her hometown was bombed and her family has disappeared. Unable to sleep and consumed with dread, she turns to drinking and chain smoking. Even as news trickles in that they are safe but in hiding, she isn't reassured. A visit from her ex-boyfriend Mazen from Germany and having her few Syrian refugee friends around bring her momentary comfort, but Nada continues to look for updates from Syria. Finally, she is able to reach them and has barely processed that they've returned home when the horror of war strikes again. Only this time it's live, just like in a movie. This is real.