В основу сюжета положена реальная история нью-йоркского полицейского, который обнаруживает, что в его работе понятия честь и честность не являются обязательными. Он стойко переносит презрение и плохое отношение к себе со стороны других полицейских, стараясь честно выполнять свою работу.
Working as a uniformed patrolman, Frank Serpico excels at every assignment. He moves on to plainclothes assignments, where he slowly discovers a hidden world of corruption and graft among his own colleagues. After witnessing cops commit violence, take payoffs, and other forms of police corruption, Serpico decides to expose what he has seen, but is harassed and threatened by his peers. His struggle leads to infighting within the police force, problems in his personal relationships, and his life being threatened. Finally, after being shot in the face during a drug bust on February 3, 1971, he testifies before the Knapp Commission, a government inquiry into NYPD police corruption between 1970 and 1972. After receiving a New York City Police Department Medal of Honor and a disability pension, Serpico resigns from the force and moves to Switzerland.
Frisch von der Polizeiakademie tritt Frank Serpico voller Ideale seinen Dienst in New York an. Doch bald merkt er, dass er sich in einem Spinnennetz aus Korruption befindet. Da er Schmiergelder strikt ablehnt, ist er schnell innerhalb der Kollegenschaft isoliert. Als er zusammen mit einem Kollegen an die Öffentlichkeit geht und sie von ihren Erfahrungen berichten, kommt es zum Skandal…
Años 70. Relato biográfico sobre Frank Serpico, un policía íntegro de principios incorruptibles que, a diferencia de sus colegas, nunca se dejó sobornar, y precisamente por ello siempre tuvo problemas con sus compañeros de profesión y se vio expuesto a situaciones muy peligrosas
Os colegas de Serpico, um polícia novato, colocam-no de parte quando ele se recusa a aceitar subornos. Horrorizado com a extensão da corrupção na força policial, Serpico informa os seus superiores, mas descobre que as suas denúncias foram ignoradas...
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