The film follows the life of a middle-aged housekeeper, Séraphine Louis, who has a remarkable talent for painting. Untaught and following what she regards as religious inspiration she finds great appreciation in the beauty found in nature, especially her daily walks to work where she proudly and humbly stops to gaze at trees. In the beginning, it is noted that she stops to collect soil from plants as well as some blood from a dead pig. Later, in her small home lit by candles she is seen using these same ingredients while creating her art. At one point when her art begins to be seen, she is asked how she achieves the unusual effect in her "rouge" (reds). She replies that she prefers to keep that a secret.
En 1912, le collectionneur allemand Wilhelm Uhde, premier acheteur de Picasso et découvreur du douanier Rousseau, loue un appartement à Senlis pour écrire et se reposer de sa vie parisienne. Il prend à son service une femme de ménage, Séraphine, 48 ans. Quelque temps plus tard, il remarque chez des notables locaux une petite toile peinte sur bois. Sa stupéfaction est grande d'apprendre que l'auteur n'est autre que Séraphine. S'instaure alors une relation poignante et inattendue entre le marchand d'art d'avant-garde et la femme de ménage visionnaire.
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