36세의 나이로 세상을 떠난 사진작가 고초 시게오(1946~1983)는 자신만의 독특한 관점과 테마가 담긴 『자아와 타자』(1977) 등 여러 사진집을 발표했다. 사토 마코토 감독은 고초 시게오가 남긴 여러 작품을 스크린으로 불러내 그의 세계를 탐구하는 한편, 촬영감독 다무라 마사키와 함께 고초 시게오의 발길이 닿았던 풍경을 찾아가 그를 추억한다.
In 1983, photographer Gocho Shigeo met an early death at the young age of 36. The view we see reflected in Gocho’s photographic images has become more profound over time since his death and has struck a chord in people’s hearts. While focusing on Gocho’s collection of photographs Self and Others, the film also visits places associated with him, creating a collage with the manuscripts, letters, photographs and voice recordings remaining in an attempt to capture “one more gesture”—a theme pursued by Gocho through photographic expression. This film is neither a critical biography nor a monograph on the photographer. Rather, we are offered a new perception. As if mesmerized, the photographs Gocho left behind captivate us in their gaze.