跋扈又重义气的小霸王-YAMAHA三进三出少观所,年幼的跟屁虫-弟弟仔因为遭受家暴反而在少观所得到归属,沉默又神秘的菜鸟-筌仔身上背负着重罪,三名少年在冬季的跨年夜里成为少年观护所内的室友。想做老大的 YAMAHA试图照顾身边所有人,三人在所里关系越来越要好、越来越适应,他却也发现大家越来越离不开监所的轮回。
Yamaha is a cocky and yet caring juvenile offender who has been sent to the juvenile detention house three times. Yamaha takes Sonny, a very young inmate who suffers from domestic violence, under his wing and that gives the boy a sense of belonging in the detention center. Chuan, a new arrival who remains quiet and mysterious, is charged with a serious crime. The trio become roommates on the New Year's Eve. Acting like a boss, Yamaha tries his best to look after his roommates, drawing the trio closer and closer to each other as a result. However, at the same time, Yamaha realizes that it is getting harder and harder for them to be freed from the criminal world.
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