Aujourd’hui, pour plus de 13 millions de Français, la vie se joue chaque mois à 50 euros près. Derrière ces statistiques, se livrent au quotidien des combats singuliers menés par des hommes et des femmes qui ont la rage de s’en sortir et les mots pour le dire. À leurs côtés, des bénévoles se donnent sans compter pour faire exister un monde plus solidaire.
Today, countless French people of all ages find it hard making ends meet. We know virtually nothing about these lives, their innermost thoughts, their daily routine and their struggle to survive. Stigmatized by misleading and unfair descriptions, they are the dark and silent face of our society that we are gradually coming to accept. However, within them, they carry the desire for rebellion, their dreams, the lust for life and the words to express all that. Alone at their side, volunteers from charity organizations, a genuine shadow army, work selflessly for an idea of justice and the common good. Their united energies fuel the desire to go on living together and mark out a pathway of hope for all. Cinema's fragile gift is to place us at the heart of these fragments of existence, both offered to our gaze and yet so modest.