"Goodbye Mama" is an intense female family drama, that deals with the lives of four women (a mother, two daughters, a grandmother), their conflicts, social barriers, and the abandonment of the elderly. It is a difficult story that, by entering into the heart of family relationships, where a persons happiness or pain is determined, uncovers truths that are hard to accept, such as a mother who feels no loves for her child, or a child who decides to abandon their parent.The story of Maria, Teodora, Jana, Elena over four decades, from the 60s to the present day. Set in Bulgaria, the story begins in the winter of 2005. Teodora, 19, receives a phone call from her sister Elena, 34, who asks her to go and visit their grandmother Maria, 81, who is suffering from Alzheimers, and has been abandoned by her daughter Jana, 56, in a state nursing home. When Teodora arrives at the home, she is horrified at how the old people are treated.Checking on the internet, she discovers that her grandmother has
Il film, autobiografico, racconta un intenso dramma familiare al femminile, la vita di quattro donne (una madre, due figlie, una nonna), i loro conflitti, le barriere sociali, l'abbandono degli anziani. La storia di Maria, Teodora, Jana, Elena attraversa quattro decenni, dagli anni ‘60 ai giorni nostri. Ambientato in Bulgaria, il racconto ha inizio nell'inverno 2005. Teodora, 19 anni, riceve una telefonata dalla sorella Elena, 34 anni, che le chiede di andare a far visita alla nonna Maria, 81 anni, affetta dalla Malattia di Alzheimer, abbandonata dalla figlia Jana, 56 anni, in un ospizio statale
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