Saniye bekommt von ihrem Chef als Hochzeitsgeschenk einen Karriereaufstieg angeboten. Aber anstatt sich zu freuen, keimt in der bis dahin modern orientierten jungen Frau plötzlich das Bedürfnis, eine Mutter zu werden. Ihr Verlobter Tom ist von Saniyes Fortpflanzungstrieb nicht begeistert. Für die beiden beginnt plötzlich eine fatale Reise in die alles verheißende, leidenschaftslose Welt der Fruchtbarkeitsmedizin, wobei ihre Beziehung auf der Strecke bleibt.
A newly married German-Turkish couple; the young Turkish wife, Saniye is obsessed with the desire to have a baby and believes that a marriage can only be complete with a child. Her husband, Tom is just trying to establish himself in professional life, and is not at all enthusiastic about her reproductive instinct. She stops taking the pill without his knowledge, but her longing remains unfulfilled. When he finds out about her secret attempts to start a family, he is disturbed, but undergoes a seed test at her urgent request. The young couple begins a fatal journey into the all-promising, dispassionate world of fertility medicine. In contrast to Tom, who at some point realizes that they have gone the wrong way, there is no turning back for Saniye: her desire to have a child has become a fix - the love for Tom disappears more and more from her sight.