★日本狂销1600万册超人气漫画《圣☆哥传》大银幕第二弹! ★“圣人CP”耶稣、佛祖「宅男圣地」秋叶原大血拼! ★鬼才组合山田孝之、福田雄一再度联手超ㄎㄧㄤ製作! ★【死亡笔记本】松山研一、【寄生兽】染谷将太化身史上最帅神明! ★权威媒体《这本漫画真厉害!》年度票选冠军! 神非圣贤 血拼无错! 在安然度过世纪末的危机后,两位宗教始祖-神之子耶稣(松山研一饰)与觉醒者佛祖(染谷将太饰),一起下凡到人间度假。他们在日本东京立川合租一间便宜的公寓,这次他们将前往「宅男圣地」秋叶原巡礼,当「家电控」佛祖遇上「电脑控」耶稣,两人为了买电锅还是电脑争论不休。此外,他们还一起拍大头贴、晒IG、玩电动,甚至大胆玩起角色扮演,只是耶稣换上女僕装被批毫无萌感、佛祖披上袈裟让店员也忍不住膜拜…两位圣人不时在街头引发「神蹟」,再掀超级笑弹!
SAINT☆YOUNG MEN 2nd Century imagines a world where Jesus Christ (Kenichi Matsuyama; Death Note) and Gautama Buddha (Shōta Sometani; Himizu) take a vacation on earth and become roommates in an apartment in Tokyo. When the two attempt to hide their identities and partake in all that modern Japanese society has to offer, including cosplay in the otaku mecca that is Akihabara, hilarious antics are sure to ensue! From shopping for rice cookers to playing the lottery, not to mention an unexpected brush with the law—this film offers a refreshing and imaginative narrative of two supreme beings’ perspectives of the mundanity of everyday life in Japan. Based on the popular slice-of-life manga SAINT☆YOUNG MEN, serialised in Japan since 2006, this comedic series of vignettes featuring Jesus and Buddha are sure to put a smile on your face.