Рейдеры подготовили идеальный план по захвату завода: инсайдеры, подробные чертежи территории, завязки на высшем уровне, компромат на собственников, хакерская поддержка… На их стороне внезапность и прекрасно подготовленная команда головорезов. Но захват оборачивается кровавой ловушкой, ведь банду нападающих ведет человек со своим представлением о целях «рейда». Его приоритет — не завод и не деньги, для него главное — справедливость и месть!
Nikita, a former Russian Spetsnaz operative, is hired to neutralize the large private security force at a local factory so that his shady employer can extort the business from the factory owner. But Nikita and his group of highly trained fighters get more than they bargained for when it turns out the factory is actually owned by a dangerous warlord connected to the Russian military. By the time the 'hostile takeover' is complete, Nikita reveals that he has orchestrated his own secret mission to take personal revenge on the most dangerous man in Russia.
Nikita, un ex agente ruso de la Spetsnaz, es contratado para neutralizar a la gran fuerza de seguridad privada en una fábrica local para que su turbio empleador pueda extorsionar al dueño de la fábrica para que le haga el negocio. Pero Nikita y su grupo de combatientes altamente entrenados obtienen más de lo que esperaban cuando resulta que la fábrica es propiedad de un peligroso señor de la guerra relacionado con el ejército ruso. Para cuando se completa la 'toma de posesión hostil', Nikita revela que ha orquestado su propia misión secreta para vengarse personalmente del hombre más peligroso de Rusia.
러시아 최고의 대 테러 살상 특수부대 스파츠나츠의 최정예 공작원 출신인 니키타는 부패한 대규모 민간 군벌 세력을 무력화시키기 위해 고용된다. 그러나 이들이 단순한 사병세력이 아닌 러시아 군대와 연결된 위험한 군벌의 소유라는 것이 밝혀지면서 일은 꼬이기 시작한다. 이제 살아남아 복수하기 위해 니키타와 부대원들은 목숨을 건 대결을 벌인다.
Nikita, a former Russian Spetsnaz operative, is hired to neutralize the large private security force at a local factory so that his shady employer can extort the business from the factory owner. But Nikita and his group of highly trained fighters get more than they bargained for when it turns out the factory is actually owned by a dangerous warlord connected to the Russian military. By the time the 'hostile takeover' is complete, Nikita reveals that he has orchestrated his own secret mission to take personal revenge on the most dangerous man in Russia.
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