The story is based on a real story of the residents of the island of Miyakejima, which erupted in 2000 and had to be evacuated.A family, Matsuo, Takako, Matsuo's mother Fusako, and Matsuo and Takako's young son Shin live on the island of Miyakejima, 200 km south of Tokyo. Together, they run a small bed and breakfast for tourists and have two pet golden retrievers, Hana and her son Rock. Shin is in charge of taking care of Rock every day, and despite some typical rambunctiousness from Rock (including peeing on Takako on multiple occasions), they lead a happy life. However, Hana becomes ill, consuming Fusako's attention, and the island starts to be hit by multiple earthquakes, causing visitors to cancel their reservations at the inn.Soon they find out the source of the earthquakes - the island's volcano is erupting. The family initially don't want to evacuate because they have lived on the island their whole lives
- Wanko: The Story of Me, My Family and Rock
Эта история о том, как семью, державшую небольшую гостиницу на острове Миякэдзима, эвакуируют в Токио после извержения вулкана в 2000 году. О том, как она поддерживает душевную связь с любимым питомцем — собакой, оставшейся на острове, и не теряет надежды на возвращение в родные места.
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