A Paris, Mia est prise dans un attentat dans une brasserie. Trois mois plus tard, alors qu’elle n’a toujours pas réussi à reprendre le cours de sa vie et qu’elle ne se rappelle de l’évènement que par bribes, Mia décide d’enquêter dans sa mémoire pour retrouver le chemin d’un bonheur possible.
The story revolves around Mia who finds herself caught up in a terrorist attack on a Parisian brasserie one Saturday night in the autumn. Three months later, still unable to pick up where she left off and remembering only piecemeal details of the event, she decides to search through her memory banks. Memories of the man she hid with and whose hand she held throughout the ordeal float back up to the surface. Is he still alive? Is she herself still alive? Mia searches the whole of Paris for this hand which saved her life…