История жизни великого американского музыканта Рэя Чарльза. Нищее детство, потеря брата, ранняя слепота, наркотики, женщины, 12 детей, борьба с расизмом, а также незаурядный талант, блестящая карьера и настоящая революция в музыке.
Ray Charles Robinson went blind at the age of seven, shortly after witnessing his younger brother drown. Inspired by a fiercely independent mother who insisted he make his own way in the world, Charles found his calling and his gift behind a piano keyboard. Touring across the chitlin circuit, the soulful singer gained a reputation before exploding onto the worldwide stage when he pioneered the incorporation of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, Gospel music, Country music, jazz and orchestral influences into his inimitable style.
A turbulenta história do gênio musical Ray Charles, deficiente visual desde a infância. A audácia e o talento incomparável do músico o transformou em um fenômeno nas turnês e nos estúdios, mas drogas, mulheres e lembranças ruins afetaram muito a sua vida pessoal.
Der Film zeigt die Kindheit von Ray Charles Robinson, seine Erblindung und den Beginn seiner musikalischen Laufbahn im Jahr 1947. Er befasst sich mit seinem Aufstieg, seiner einzigartigen Karriere, seiner Heirat, den Kindern, den Geliebten und mit seiner Heroinsucht. Der Film endet kurz nach seiner Entziehungskur Ende der 1970er Jahre.
Dirigido por Taylor Hackford (O Advogado do Diabo, Oficial e Cavalheiro), o qual passou os últimos quinze anos a trabalhar nesta história juntamente com Ray Charles, este filme capta a essência de um homem que simplificou as suas lutas e as transformou numa miríade de estilos musicais – Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, Rock & Roll, Gospell, Country e Western, ensinando ao mundo uma nova forma de ouvir: Ray Charles.
Ray Charles, c'est d'abord un mythe : cinq décennies de succès, une carrière musicale
exceptionnellement riche, féconde et diverse, émaillée de dizaines de classiques
qui ont fait le tour du monde et inspiré des générations de jeunes artistes. Mais derrière cette image légendaire se profile l'histoire émouvante, méconnue, d'une vie, l'itinéraire d'un homme qui réussit à surmonter ses handicaps et ses drames personnels.
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