La véritable histoire de l'univers, du monde et des hommes. Le comment, le pourquoi et où va-t-on ? Le premier film de gastrophysique entièrement comestible !
QUI A MANGÉ LA SOUPE COSMIQUE ? (13') - (Who ate the cosmic soup?) is a short animation film that recounts the history of the universe, from 'before the beginning', through a number of well-known events: the Big Bang, the beginning of life on earth, how it slowly evolves, the appearance of mankind, and so on, to the very, very end - Scientists often describe the period "before the beginning of the universe" as a "cosmic soup". In making this film I decided to take this metaphor literally. Thus, all appearances to the contrary, absolutely everything in the film is made out of all different kinds of food: for instance, the nebulae are made out of milk, the solar system out of egg yolk, the night skies out of burnt pancakes held up against the light one would swear one would be looking at the night sky, the trilobites out of jelly, and the humans out of ginseng roots.