Before the Big Ban on prostitution, West Hong Kong is famous for its houses of pleasure. The most infamous of them all is Floral Ode House. Among its girls are Yen Hung, who becomes a widow regularly; aristocratic Chien Chien; Cherry Fun, who manages to lose the nickname; and a bevy of beauties. The madam who is on good terms with the police chief claims the best business this side of virtue. Then there comes from England Cheng Li-Peng, commissioned to ban prostitution. He is engaged to Lily, the police chief's daughter. But his parents had arranged a wife for him when he was an infant. They have lost trace of each other. Cheng Li-Peng starts his investigation, which lead him to Yen Hung's and Chien Chien's bedrooms. He is surprised to find himself in love with all three girls. And one of them turns out to be his missing fiancee!
詠花寨乃塘西名寨之一, 在事頭婆八家領導之下, 坐擁紅姑多名, 有艷名四播的花艷紅, 剛從上海南下投靠的陸千千, 含羞答答的純情可人兒玉葉, 熱情豪放的金枝, 連鷄仔鳳亦成為哥兒們垂涎的對象. 好景不常, 英廷為實施禁娼, 遂派遣禁娼專員程立邦調查, 跟隨程一起回港的是其英國同學兼未婚妻莉莉, 程為深入瞭解娼妓與社會的關係和影響, 率先往詠花寨調查, 經過二三次的往還後, 竟然與陸千千, 花艷紅一班紅阿姑纏上了. 向對未婚夫絕對信任的莉莉, 獲知真相後, 不得不求助其父--警察廳長朱大爺, 誰知朱大爺原來是詠花寨八家的老相好, 對禁娼行動當然陽奉陰違, 又法於程專員的身份地位, 為保烏紗, 朱替女兒度出妙計, 一場風波, 自然和氣終場.