
Sandhana Krishnan (Madhavan), also known as Sakhi, is an automobile company employee who lives in a joint family. He comes across a model named Priya (Sadha) and becomes attracted to her. Sakhi uses Priya's friend to gain her attention. He later comes across her diary and uses it to make Priya fall for him by posing as her ideal guy. Sakhi tricks priya and his family (tells them lies about how Priya is the ideal bride and fits well into their family and they get married. Unlike Sakhi's conservative family, Priya's wealthy family is 'cosmopolitan' and outgoing. Her mother (Aishwarya) is a party going socialite, while her father (Pratap K. Pothen) restricts himself to his house and is generally ignored by his wife. Priya is accustomed to being independent. Brought up with modern values, Priya finds it hard to adjust with the family of Sakhi, since they believe in different values. Sakhi goes about life as usual, as in before he got married and puts his family before Priya. He tells Priya that they will be going to the movies but Priya comes to know too late that the 'date' includes his entire family. When Priya points out that as newly weds, any wife would want/expect their first outgoing would be just them not a battalion, an angered Sakhi tells her how he wants his family with him. Sakhi hands out the necklace Priya purchases for herself to his sister before his entire family because she admired it, without asking Priya first. Priya is upset, but refrains from making a scene, instead choosing to berate Sakhi in private. Sakhi tells Priya that if she likes that necklace she could use it whenever she wants as it stays in the family anyhow. Priya mentions that Sakhi had no right to offer her stuff to someone else and she's only mentioning that he has a bad attitude so he will correct it. They frequently fight because him and Priya are from two different worlds. Eventually, Priya becomes pregnant. Sakhi is overjoyed but Priya has doubts, as she isn't mentally prepared a

  • Movie ID 57780
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide April 14, 2005
  • Runtime 160 minutes
  • Genres Drama Action
  • Original Country India
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages Tamil
  • Production Countries India
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin

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