Фильм снят к 85-летию Ильи Кабакова, ключевой фигуры московской концептуальной школы. Вместе с женой и соавтором Эмилией художник рассуждает о неофициальном искусстве в СССР, появлении московского концептуализма, о своей эмиграции в Европу и США и о том, как он получил всемирное признание.
In Poor Folk, Ilya Kabakov talks about his sources and influences, including the tragic life of his mother, which had a profound effect on his views and artistic career. Together with his wife and collaborator Emilia he discusses Soviet underground art, the birth of Moscow Conceptualism, the couple’s emigration to the USA, and international acclaim after thirty years of almost no exhibitions (Kabakov did not show his work at state-sanctioned exhibitions in the Soviet Union): today the duo’s works are in the world’s leading museums, including MoMA, New York; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; and Hamburger Kunsthalle.
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