Satur y Tina son un matrimonio en el que ella aporta el dinero y él se ocupa de la casa y el niño. El problema es que el niño, Manu tiene ya 28 años y es un mediocre youtuber. Satur convertirá a su hijo en "El ranger del amor", un exitoso youtuber enmascarado defensor del amor romántico que se enamora perdidamente de Amanda. Lo que Manu no sabe es que Amanda es poliamorosa y tiene relaciones con Marta y Esteban.
Satur and Tina are a married couple in which she contributes the money and he takes care of the house and the child. The problem is that the boy, Manu, is already 28 years old and is a mediocre youtuber. To raise his son, Satur will turn him into "The ranger of love", a successful youtuber masked defender of romantic love. With this cover, Manu falls madly in love with Amanda. What he does not know is that Amanda is polyamorous and has relationships with Marta and Esteban, a wealthy couple of doctors with two children, with Claudia, a trans girl who works in the world of fashion, and with Alex, a skydiving instructor. and hunk model.