Pokémon The Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution

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After a scientific experiment leads to the creation of a clone of Mewtwo, he sets out to destroy the world. Ash and his friends then decide to thwart Mewtwo's evil plans.

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Pokémon Franchise

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Ash Ketchum dreams of becoming a Pokémon master. Professor Oak, the local Pokémon researcher, entrusts a Pikachu, the only Pokémon he has left to Ash. Ash does his best to befriend Pikachu, but it refuses to trust him. Only after Ash protects Pikachu from an angry group of Spearows does Pikachu realize how much Ash cares. Along the way, Ash makes many human and Pokémon friends as he works his way through the ranks of the world's many Pokémon Leagues.

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