Plogoff, février 1980 : toute une population refuse l'installation d'une centrale nucléaire à quelques encablures de la Pointe du Raz, face à l'île de Sein. Nicole et Félix Le Garrec ont filmé jour après jour ces luttes quotidiennes et ont réalisé en 1981 un documentaire long métrage "Plogoff, des pierres contre des fusils".
In the 1970s, France is developing a civil nuclear program, building power plants throughout the country without any consideration for the opinion of the local populations. In 1978, the small town of Plogoff, near the cape of Pointe du Raz, in Brittany, is being considered as a likely site for building another nuclear plant. The population decides to stop the implantation and to resisted the authorities at all costs, blocking all roads to the peninsula, demonstrating against hundreds of policemen. The French state decides to send para troops against the rebellious villagers. The film shows how women took the head of the mobilization, harassing the mobile guards every day, at tea time.Nicole and Felix Le Garrec, a couple of movie professionals from the local area, decided to film the events, at first, just as a testimony, because the television didn't talk of this mobilization