A true pioneer in both underwater filmmaking and shark research, Valerie Taylor is a living legend and icon in the underwater world whose life’s work has become the basis for much of what we know about sharks today. Through remarkable underwater archival footage, along with interviews with Valerie herself, the film follows this daring ocean explorer’s trajectory from champion spearfisher to passionate shark protector. From the birth of cage diving to “Jaws” hysteria to the dawn of cageless shark diving, Valerie became a trailblazing advocate for the ocean’s most maligned and misunderstood creatures.
- Playing with Sharks: The Valerie Taylor Story
Une plongée dans le vie de l'écologiste Valerie Taylor, une légende vivante et une véritable pionnière du cinéma sous-marin ainsi que de la recherche sur les requins.
“Brincando com Tubarões” mostra a vida da conservacionista da vida selvagem Valerie Taylor, uma lenda viva e verdadeira pioneira tanto em produções subaquáticas quanto no estudo de tubarões.
Valerie es una de las primeras defensoras de las criaturas más difamadas e incomprendidas del mar: los tiburones. A través de impresionantes imágenes y entrevistas a la intrépida exploradora marina, este documental descubre otro extraordinario punto de vista de los más “peligrosos” seres marinos.
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