Après avoir effectué un séjour dans un établissement psychiatrique à la suite d'une dépression, Patch Adams découvre qu'il a le talent de soulager ses compagnons malades grâce à sa gaieté et à ses blagues. Il se lance alors dans des études de médecine en prônant une approche plus conviviale et plus humaine du patient.
Познакомьтесь с Целителем Адамсом — доктором, который резко отличается от своих чопорных и важных коллег. Адамс совершил невероятное открытие в современной медицине. Оказывается, лучшим лекарством от любых болезней является смех. И доктор Адамс готов сделать все возможное, чтобы заставить своих пациентов, как, впрочем, и зрителей этой прекрасной картины, смеяться без перерыва!..
Hunter "Patch" Adams is suicidal and admits himself to a mental institution. Once there, he finds that using humor, rather than doctor-centered psychotherapy, better helps his fellow patients and provides him with a new purpose in life. Because of this, he wants to become a medical doctor, and two years later enrolls at the Medical College of Virginia (now known as VCU School of Medicine) as the oldest Freshman student. He questions the school's soulless approach to medical care, as well as the methods of the school's Dean (education) Walcott, who takes an instant dislike to Patch and believes that doctors must treat patients his way and not befriend them. Because of this and incidents such as setting up a giant pair of legs during an obstetric conference, he is expelled from the medical school, although he is later reinstated when it becomes apparent to the school that his unconventional methods often help cure his patients. Adams encourages medical students to work closely with nurses, learn interviewing skills early, and argues that death should be treated with dignity and sometimes even humor.
ll giovane Patch Adams, dopo un ricovero in un ospedale psichiatrico in cui il disinteresse nei confronti dei pazienti regna sovrano, si iscrive alla Facoltà di Medicina per cambiare le cose.
Nach einem Selbstmordversuch lässt sich Hunter Adams in eine psychiatrische Klinik einweisen und ist schockiert, mit welcher Gleichgültigkeit die Mediziner mit ihren Patienten umgehen. Er beschließt, die Klinik zu verlassen und Medizin zu studieren. Als Adams gemeinsam mit seinen Studienfreunden Carin Fisher und Truman Schiff eine eigene Klinik eröffnet, in der er Patienten behandelt, die sonst nirgendwo aufgenommen werden, erfährt sein Optimismus jedoch bald einen herben Rückschlag.
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