15年ぶりに母校の天体観測室を訪れた徹。当時のまま、時が止まったかのような部屋で一冊のノートを見つける。「見ていてくれてありがとう」 それは想いを寄せていたダンス部の真矢からのメッセージだった。伝えることのできなかった想いが行き場もなく、徹の目から涙が溢れ 15年前と今が交錯しはじめる。もしもあの刻を動かせるなら…
Toru revisits the astronomical observatory in his old school for the first time in 15 years. He finds a notebook in the room that remained unchanged and frozen in time. 'Thanks for watching me.' It was a message from Maya, a member of the school dance club, who he had feelings for. The feelings he had and never said arrives at a dead end as tears run down from his eyes. Memories from 15 years ago and the present begin to intertwine. If only he could turn back the hands of time...