The USA pass an exceptional top secret contract with a country in the Middle East: they are selling arms in exchange for exclusive rights on the countries rich oil resources. The USSR sent a team of their best secret agents to rob the document, so that later they can apprehend the ship which must pass through one of the Russian ports... After special training in a secret island in the Black Sea, Alex, Sadov and Sonia are sent in to get the documents. All goes according to plan, and Sadov gives the handbag to the mastermind, General Fiodorenko. On opening it though, the handbag explodes. Who is the infiltrated agent in the most secret of the Soviets secret ring? None of those three, for sure... So they are sent in again, to stop the merchant ship by the last means available: a bomb
- Herrie te Bagdad
- Our Men in Bagdad
Mitte der Sechzigerjahre: Drei russische Top-Spione erhalten den Auftrag, Geheimpapiere über eine amerikanische Waffenlieferung an einen Erdöl exportierenden Nahoststaat zu erbeuten. Da die Mission trotz perfekter Planung scheitert, muss ein Verräter im Spiel sein. General Fiodorenko setzt seine Leute unter Druck: Gelingt es ihnen nicht, binnen 24 Stunden den Doppelagenten in ihren Reihen zu enttarnen, werden alle Agenten gemeinsam vor das Kriegsgericht gestellt ...
Português - Brasil
ελληνική γλώσσα
Português - Portugal