正值23岁芳龄的和泉季莉子(森川葵 饰)有着曼妙的身材和姣好的容颜,在男性面前,她楚楚可怜,闪动着澄清明亮的双眼,让见到她的男性们惊呼“可爱”。而在女生面前,季莉子绝不掩饰她的厌恶鄙夷以及毒舌本性。因此可以想见,季莉子所得到的必然是两极分化的评价。某天,在设计公司上班的她跟随前辈拜访了饰品设计师幸太(木口健太 饰)。虽然她使出装可爱的利器试图麻痹对方,可是幸太根本不为所动,他指摘了季莉子设计作品存在的缺陷,更直白地戳穿了她的虚伪面具。
Kiriko is pretty girl, working at an office. She also binge eats and then makes herself vomit. The male workers like her, but female workers hate her. Kiriko believes that the only that matters for a woman is being cute. Kiriko has Yuto, who works at a bar. The relationship between Kiriko and Yuto is more than friends, but less than a romantic relationship.