Através da busca incessante do diretor por um relógio que seu avô húngaro teria escondido na região da Transilvânia antes de ser levado a Auschwitz, vem à tona a história de sua sobrevivência durante o holocausto e a de outros antepassados. As memórias deste tempo obscuro reaparecem em depoimentos compartilhados pelos sobreviventes que se instalaram no Brasil.
The director goes on a journey to his grandfather's homeland, Transylvania, in search of an old watch his grandpa hid before the Nazis came to take the family to Auschwitz. The 70-minute documentary tells the story of immigrant Holocaust survivors who settled in Brazil after World War II. Through the pursuit by the film's director of the history of his Hungarian grandfather and ancestors, the memories of a dark time reappear in testimonials by survivors themselves. From Israel to Hungary, Poland, and Brazil, Heller tries to understand his family's past, discovering dark secrets along the way.
Português - Brasil