The enigmatic but vivid imagery of this loosely plotted film is based on a similarly evocative novel by the Italian author Antonio Tabucchi, Noturno Indiano. An old friend of the hero's has been living in Bombay with a prostitute. His friend Peter Schlemihl (Otto Tausig) is a concentration camp survivor, who went to India after being captivated by a photograph he saw there. When the prostitute writes to him in Europe asking that he rescue his friend from a mysterious malaise, he flies into India to try and help. When he gets to Bombay, he discovers that his friend has disappeared. Following the clues left behind by the friend, and based on his acquaintance with him, he journeys to Madras to speak to a Theosophist dignitary there, and then journeys on to Portugues Goa. With each step of his journey, the hero (Jean-Hugues Anglade) becomes more identified with his friend, and re-enacts in his own person the transformations he must have experienced.
Tratto dal romanzo di Tabucchi, questo film di grande suggestione è ambientato in India. Qui si reca uno studioso che vuole ritrovare un amico misteriosamente scomparso. Girerà molte città, tra cui Bombay, fino a scoprire che il mistero forse non esiste come non esiste molto spesso ciò che noi crediamo di inseguire nella vita.
Молодой человек прилетает в Бомбей, чтобы найти своего исчезнувшего в Индии друга. Поиски приведут его в сомнительную гостиницу и больничную палату, в португальский монастырь и теософическое общество, он побывает в Мадрасе и на береге Гоа.
Un homme jeune arrive un jour a Bombay. Il part a la recherche d'un ami qui a vécu quelque temps dans cette ville pour disparaitre sans laisser de traces. Au cours de son enquête, il va rencontrer d'étranges personnages et pénétrer un pays qui le fascine.
Português - Brasil
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Português - Portugal
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