Abandoned by his father as a boy, Yuta grows up as the foster son of a restaurant owner and takes over the restaurant at the owner's death. Cheery, always smiling, always helpful, Yuta is known as Yama-chan, the friend everyone turns to. When Yuta discovers he had a hitherto unknown baby brother, he sets out to track him down. But the baby brother, Yusuke, has grown up to be half of a successful comedy team, the Kinjo Brothers, and Yusuke's professional "brother" has just written a best-selling book about their adventures growing up together. Yuta's appearance on the scene threatens to reveal that the book is a complete fiction and to set all three "brothers" into conflict with each other.
在被父母抛弃后,“小山餐馆”的善良夫妇收养了祐太(阿部隆史 饰),长大后,祐太接手了餐馆,很快,热情好客乐于助人的他便成为了商店街大受欢迎的“明星”。幼年丧母的经历让祐介(瑛太 饰)从小就过着居无定所的流离生活,但这并没有影响他乐观向上的性格,他甚至和金城大介(塚本高史 饰)组成了一个搞笑艺人组合“金城兄弟”,在众人的叫衰声中一路走红。 一日,早年间离家出走的彻子(竹内结子 饰)突然回到了“小山餐馆”,遵循曾经的约定,祐太向彻子求婚了。为了办理结婚手续,祐太拿到了自己的户基本,令祐太感到震惊的是,他和祐介竟然是有着血缘关系的亲兄弟。面对生命中凭空对出的亲人,祐太会做出怎样的选择呢