The true life-story of Sara Góralnik, a 13 year-old Polish Jew whose entire family was killed by Nazis in September of 1942. After a grueling escape to the Ukrainian countryside, Sara steals her Christian best friend’s identity and finds refuge in a small village, where she is taken in by a farmer and his young wife. She soon discovers the dark secrets of her employers’ marriage, compounding the greatest secret she must strive to protect, her true identity.
The true life-story of Sara Góralnik, a 13 year-old Polish Jew whose entire family was killed by Nazis in September of 1942. After a grueling escape to the Ukrainian countryside, Sara steals her Christian best friend’s identity and finds refuge in a small village, where she is taken in by a farmer and his young wife. She soon discovers the dark secrets of her employers’ marriage, compounding the greatest secret she must strive to protect, her true identity.
The true life-story of Sara Góralnik, a 13 year-old Polish Jew whose entire family was killed by Nazis in September of 1942. After a grueling escape to the Ukrainian countryside, Sara steals her Christian best friend’s identity and finds refuge in a small village, where she is taken in by a farmer and his young wife. She soon discovers the dark secrets of her employers’ marriage, compounding the greatest secret she must strive to protect, her true identity.
В 1942 году мир узнал о том, что нацистский режим истребляет евреев, и тогда мать отправила Сару, которая жила с родителями в маленьком польском городке Корец, в бега, чтобы она выжила. На момент, когда девочке было всего 12 лет, она вместе с братом поселилась у украинской семьи под чужим именем и работала в поле.
세계2차대전, 14살의 유대인 소녀 사라는 자신의 신분을 숨긴 채 우크라이나 농부인 파블로와 그의 부인 나디야의 집에서 머물게 된다. 유대인을 색출해내려는 독일군의 압박, 그리고 끝없이 살펴보는 나디아의 의심까지! 숨막히는 스릴 속에서 사라는 아슬아슬한 생존의 외줄타기를 시작한다.
La verdadera historia de vida de Sara Góralnik, una judía polaca de 13 años cuya familia fue asesinada por los nazis en septiembre de 1942. Después de un agotador escape al campo ucraniano, Sara roba la identidad de su mejor amiga cristiana y encuentra refugio en un pequeño pueblo, donde es acogida por un granjero y su joven esposa. Pronto descubre los oscuros secretos del matrimonio de sus empleadores, lo que complica el mayor secreto que debe esforzarse por proteger, su verdadera identidad.
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