In America, everyone has a family story of immigration. Every family, at some point, has had somebody leave their native country behind to search for a better life. How did they hold onto their identity? How did they adapt to their new life? Every family has a special story. In my case, it's my Chinese-American story. My father would always tell us his story about walking for 7 days and 6 nights, before swimming for 4 hours to Macau to escape communism in 1966. His story would fall on my deaf ears until I returned to China with him.
Ameerikas on kõigil perekonnalugu sisserändest. Igal perel on mingil hetkel keegi parem kodust lahkunud, et paremat elu otsida. Kuidas nad oma identiteeti hoidsid? Kuidas nad oma uue eluga kohanesid? Igal perel on oma eriline lugu. Minu puhul on see minu hiina-ameerika lugu. Mu isa rääkis meile alati oma loo 7 päeva ja 6 öösel kõndimisest, enne kui nad 4 tundi ujusid Macausse, et pääseda kommunismist 1966. aastal. Tema lugu langes mu kurtidele kõrvadele, kuni ma naasin koos temaga Hiinasse.