박씨는 숯 구덩이를 수리하며 아이들을 키운다. 무식하고 고집이 세지만 마음씨는 착한 박씨. 그러나 그는 자신의 눈에 깡패인 재천과의 친밀한 관계 때문에 큰 딸 용순에게 불만을 품는다. 주식을 좋아하는 둘째 딸 명순에게도 불만이 있다. 아들의 아내 점례를 긍휼히 여기는 것은 오직 장남 용범뿐이다. 용범이 해외 지사로 파견되자 박씨는 처음에는 반대했지만 아들의 앞날에 어떤 의미가 있는지 알기에 승낙한다. 결국 그는 두 딸의 관계도 인정하기 시작한다.
Mr. Park raises his children by repairing charcoal pits. Although ignorant and stubborn, Mr. Park has a good heart. He is displeased, however, with his eldest daughter, Yong-sun, because of her close relationship with Jae-cheon, who is a scamp in his eyes. He is also unsatisfied with his second daughter, Myeong-sun, for liking Ju-sik. Only his eldest son, Yong-beom, is the apple of his eye, as he approves of his son's wife, Jeom-rye. When Yong-beom is sent to a foreign branch office, Mr. Park is against it at first but approves of it, as he knows what it means for his son's future. Eventually, too, he begins to approve of his two daughters' relationships.
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