Hamo, un vieux paysan vit avec son eìpouse dans un village reculeì des montagnes d’Armeìnie. Hamo nourrit un rêve : acqueìrir une Moskvitch, la voiture que lui avait promis le pouvoir sovieìtique et qu’il n’a jamais eue. L’Urss a disparu mais pas le rêve d’Hamo...
Hamo, an old farmer lives with his wife in a remote village in the mountains of Armenia. The money their son send them from Russia just allows them to survive. But Hamo nourishes a dream of acquiring a Moskvitch, the most beautiful car in the world, the one that had promised the Soviet power and that he never had. The Soviet Union is gone, but the dream of Hamo remains. He learns that there is one for sale in a nearby village ...
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