Tony knows nothing but tough times, living in the bleak circus of the slums he calls home amongst denizens of the underworld: the crippled pimp, the lonely housewife, the neighborhood gay and his macho father, the prostitutes, the small-time politician, and the Yankee pedophile. This is his story and the story of the world he lives in: a hopeless, closed-in decrepit world gone to seed.
Tony knows nothing but tough times, living in the bleak circus of the slums he calls home amongst denizens of the underworld: the crippled pimp, the lonely housewife, the neighborhood gay and his macho father, the prostitutes, the small-time politician, and the Yankee pedophile. This is his story and the story of the world he lives in: a hopeless, closed-in decrepit world gone to seed.
Tony knows nothing but tough times, living in the bleak circus of the slums he calls home amongst denizens of the underworld: the crippled pimp, the lonely housewife, the neighborhood gay and his macho father, the prostitutes, the small-time politician, and the Yankee pedophile. This is his story and the story of the world he lives in: a hopeless, closed-in decrepit world gone to seed.
Mondomanila to miejsce zapomniane przez Boga. Potężne slumsy pełne są wyrzutków, bandytów, złodziei, kombinatorów i stręczycieli. Tu czas zatrzymał się kilkadziesiąt lat temu. Miejsce to rządzone jest przez gangi, w tym przez Paranoid Squad. Transwestyta, raper czy policjant, każdy ma tu pewną rolę do odegrania. Szereg luźno związanych ze sobą wątków jest pretekstem do zobrazowania biedy, smrodu i wszechogarniającej mizerii tego miejsca.
Tony knows nothing but tough times, living in the bleak circus of the slums he calls home amongst denizens of the underworld: the crippled pimp, the lonely housewife, the neighborhood gay and his macho father, the prostitutes, the small-time politician, and the Yankee pedophile. This is his story and the story of the world he lives in: a hopeless, closed-in decrepit world gone to seed.
Гиперкинетический, жизненный, стилизованный, антикапиталистический фильм о голодающих детях дна, для кого наивысшей целью становится обилие секса и наркотиков. Карлики, сутенеры, инвалиды-рэпперы, американец-педофил, малолетний проститут, геи и прочие обитатели славного района не оставят зрителей равнодушными.
Tony knows nothing but tough times, living in the bleak circus of the slums he calls home amongst denizens of the underworld: the crippled pimp, the lonely housewife, the neighborhood gay and his macho father, the prostitutes, the small-time politician, and the Yankee pedophile. This is his story and the story of the world he lives in: a hopeless, closed-in decrepit world gone to seed.
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