Als Miss Lilly, eine temperamentvolle alte Dame, unerwartet das zeitliche segnet, ist die Trauer bei ihren geliebten Tieren - fünf Hunden und einem Papagei - sehr groß. Der einzige Trost: sie hinterläßt ihnen ihre Villa und ein ziemlich großes Vermögen. Die fünf zotteligen Zeitgenossen und der Papagei geraten in einen wahren Konsumrausch, und während sie das Geld für alle möglichen Nebensächlichkeiten aus dem Fenster werfen, vergessen sie darüber fast ihre Freundschaft. Da wittert das geldgierige Zwillingspärchen Hannie und Ronnie, Nichte und Neffe von Miss Lilly, seine Chance und setzt alles daran, den Tieren die Villa und das Geld abspenstig zu machen. Doch bevor der teuflische Plan aufgehen kann, halten die sechs Freunde schließlich doch wieder zusammen und versuchen, mit aller Macht gegen die fiesen Erbschleicher anzukämpfen...
Five irresistible dogs and a zany parrot live together under the protective roof of Miss Lilly's house of pets. These scruffy but adorable dogs are the best of friends, a real team. Who needs money when you've got your friends - and the security of Miss Lilly's mansion? But then a sudden mega-inheritance turns these pups into a pack of pampered Millionaire Dogs. Before you can say "Who let the dogs out?" these hot dogs are out of the fat and into the fire. Now they're in for the biggest adventure of their lives. Can their 'all-for-one and one-for-all' loyalty overcome their selfish dreams of fame and fortune?
Five irresistible dogs and a zany parrot live together under the protective roof of Miss Lilly's house of pets. These scruffy but adorable dogs are the best of friends, a real team. Who needs money when you've got your friends - and the security of Miss Lilly's mansion? But then a sudden mega-inheritance turns these pups into a pack of pampered Millionaire Dogs. Before you can say "Who let the dogs out?" these hot dogs are out of the fat and into the fire. Now they're in for the biggest adventure of their lives. Can their 'all-for-one and one-for-all' loyalty overcome their selfish dreams of fame and fortune?
Five irresistible dogs and a zany parrot live together under the protective roof of Miss Lilly's house of pets. These scruffy but adorable dogs are the best of friends, a real team. Who needs money when you've got your friends - and the security of Miss Lilly's mansion? But then a sudden mega-inheritance turns these pups into a pack of pampered Millionaire Dogs. Before you can say "Who let the dogs out?" these hot dogs are out of the fat and into the fire. Now they're in for the biggest adventure of their lives. Can their 'all-for-one and one-for-all' loyalty overcome their selfish dreams of fame and fortune?
Five irresistible dogs and a zany parrot live together under the protective roof of Miss Lilly's house of pets. These scruffy but adorable dogs are the best of friends, a real team. Who needs money when you've got your friends - and the security of Miss Lilly's mansion? But then a sudden mega-inheritance turns these pups into a pack of pampered Millionaire Dogs. Before you can say "Who let the dogs out?" these hot dogs are out of the fat and into the fire. Now they're in for the biggest adventure of their lives. Can their 'all-for-one and one-for-all' loyalty overcome their selfish dreams of fame and fortune?
Five irresistible dogs and a zany parrot live together under the protective roof of Miss Lilly's house of pets. These scruffy but adorable dogs are the best of friends, a real team. Who needs money when you've got your friends - and the security of Miss Lilly's mansion? But then a sudden mega-inheritance turns these pups into a pack of pampered Millionaire Dogs. Before you can say "Who let the dogs out?" these hot dogs are out of the fat and into the fire. Now they're in for the biggest adventure of their lives. Can their 'all-for-one and one-for-all' loyalty overcome their selfish dreams of fame and fortune?
Five irresistible dogs and a zany parrot live together under the protective roof of Miss Lilly's house of pets. These scruffy but adorable dogs are the best of friends, a real team. Who needs money when you've got your friends - and the security of Miss Lilly's mansion? But then a sudden mega-inheritance turns these pups into a pack of pampered Millionaire Dogs. Before you can say "Who let the dogs out?" these hot dogs are out of the fat and into the fire. Now they're in for the biggest adventure of their lives. Can their 'all-for-one and one-for-all' loyalty overcome their selfish dreams of fame and fortune?
Slečna Lilly je temperamentní stará dáma, která se ve svém velkém domě uprostřed malého města stará o prostořekého papouška jménem Emmo a pět psů - odvážného mladého Velveta, nadšeného sportovce Shermana, svůdnou psí slečnu Bellu, jejího obdivovatele J.D. a vzdělaného Chuffieho, který holduje přírodním vědám. V mládí pracovala slečna Lilly jako krotitelka šelem v cirkuse, kde se také naučila rozumět jazyku zvířat, nyní si užívá života, prohání se krajem na motorce, vyráží se svými zvířaty na koncerty a jediné, co jí znepříjemňuje život, jsou její neteř a synovec, dvojčata Hannie a Ronnie. Oba totiž nenávidí zvířata, jejich chování považují za plýtvaní a jediné, po čem touží, je dědictví po tetičce. Aby se ho dočkali co nejdříve, vymyslí plán, jak pod rouškou pokryteckých důvodů a v předstírání starosti o její pohodlí dostat tetičku do domova důchodců.
Sherman est un chien des rues. Il est recueilli par Miss Lilly, une vielle dame qui s'occupe d'animaux abandonnés. Dans la villa de Miss Lilly, Sherman rencontre pleins d'amis dont la magnifique Bella. A la mort de Miss Lilly ses méchants neveux tentent de s'emparer de l'héritage. Sherman et ses amis vont devoir lutter pour garder la maison et faire durer le rêve de la veille dame...
...полнометражный мультипликационный фильм. В самом начале из дорогого лимузина выкидывают пса по кличке Чаппи, а вслед за ним и его ошейник. С горя он хотел лечь под грузовик, но его спас другой, бездомный пес, в результате чего оба упали в воду. Только они сели погреться у костра под мостом, как с мотоцикла пожилой рокерши сорвался попугай и зацепился за самый краешек. Так спасли они и упавшего попугая по кличке Эмо, решив сделать из него жаркое. Но Эмо оказался хитрецом. Он сказал, что дал слово научиться летать и показаться перед смертью своей мамочке. К тому же он обещал найти собачкам сухое жилье и привел к той самой рокерше. Мисс Лили оказалась очень доброй женщиной, а услышав рассказ о спасении Эмо, сразу впустила всех в свой "дом животных", старинный, большой особняк. Зверюшек там действительно было много, и все играли на музыкальных инструментах не хуже другого ансамбля.
Five irresistible dogs and a zany parrot live together under the protective roof of Miss Lilly's house of pets. These scruffy but adorable dogs are the best of friends, a real team. Who needs money when you've got your friends - and the security of Miss Lilly's mansion? But then a sudden mega-inheritance turns these pups into a pack of pampered Millionaire Dogs. Before you can say "Who let the dogs out?" these hot dogs are out of the fat and into the fire. Now they're in for the biggest adventure of their lives. Can their 'all-for-one and one-for-all' loyalty overcome their selfish dreams of fame and fortune?
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