故事主轴以马雅人的2012/12/21末日预言贯穿。末日不如预言发生,但是贪婪的人类对自然和社会的无度需索,予取予求,终于有一天新能源厂事故,造就人类自食恶果,文明毁灭。 以小男孩找到一把吉他作故事的开端,和爷爷在人类亲手造成的末日前夕相逢。 爷爷想着自己不会弹吉他而错过了某些人生与爱情,打电话给过去的自己,希望改变这个过去的事实,进而改变生命,让走到末路的人类文明起死回生。 “诺亚方舟”演唱会共以五大主题串联,从“末日:2012不是预言”、“留恋:时光静止的那一年”、“笑忘:如果还有明天”、“第一天:追寻第二人生”到“未来:美丽乌托邦”,其中呈现了逼真末日景象,包括仿佛沉睡海底等待启航的深海逃生舱,加上不断出现火山爆发、陨石撞击和龙卷风来袭的末日异象。这一切都旨在把大家对于末日的恐惧在一瞬间全部逼迫出来,同时五月天更要带领观众抛开恐惧和悲伤,用欢乐与音乐享受末日前夕的最后一夜。 如果2012年玛雅末世预言成真,在这看似最后倒数的生命关头,我们该如何面对我们各自的人生?如果最后末日没有到来,你就有机会选择你的“第二人生”!
The premise of the story is based upon the Mayan doomsday prophecy for December 21st, 2012. Though the end of days did not happen according to the prophecy, humanity's greed and abuse of nature and the society finally resulted in an accident at the new power plant one day. Humanity suffered the consequences of their own actions and civilization was destroyed. The story begins with a little boy who finds a guitar. He is united with his grandfather the eve before human civilization meets its end. His grandfather thinks about the life events and romances which passed him by because he did not learn to play the guitar. He calls his past self in hopes to change the past. This alters life as a whole and brings human civilization back from the brink of destruction.