In December of 1937 two young girls aged 9 and 4, May and August, lived blissfully with their parents in Nanjing. Unfortunately, the outbreak of the war totally changed their lives. May's parents were killed by the Japanese soldiers, and the girls taken to a refugee camp. Once May's uncle learned of the tragedy, he retrieved the two girls from the camp. But when the Japanese invaders took full control of the city, May and August would then have to learn to be strong to face all the upcoming challenges.
五月(徐忻辰 饰)和八月(裘立尔 饰)是一对感情十分要好的姐妹,从小生活在温暖的家庭之中,日子过得幸福美满。战争的到来在瞬间粉碎了两姐妹的家庭,父亲死了,整个家全靠坚强的母亲(叶童 饰)一人撑着。 祸不单行,八月生病高烧,母亲冒着危险来到被日军封锁的街道找药,之后……