Vom Leben und Wirken Max Frischs existieren nur wenige Filmdokumente, einige davon sogar aus seiner eigenen Hand. Dennoch entschied sich Matthias von Gunten für einen Dokumentarfilm, um die Rolle des international bekannten und erfolgreichsten schweizer Schriftstellers als kritischen Staatsbürger zu würdigen. In dieser durch und durch schweizer Produktion bilden neben Archivmaterial die journalistisch aufbereiteten Erzählungen bekannter Persönlichkeiten, die Frisch getroffen hatten oder sogar mit ihm befreundet waren, das Schwergewicht. Anspruchsvolle Zitate aus Frischs Tagebüchern vermitteln einen Eindruck von seinem Denken.
Max Frisch foi o último grande intelectual suíço amplamente respeitado como "voz pública". O filme conta a história de Frisch como testemunha do século XX, pergunta-se se ainda são necessárias essas "vozes" e se é possível prescindir delas.
After Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Niklaus Meienberg died, Max Frisch was the last of the big Swiss intellectuals actively pursuing this role and being perceived as such by those around him, both in Switzerland and abroad. Since his death in 1991, no other voices have emerged to replace him. On the contrary: in Switzerland, as in other countries, writers and thinkers have ceased to be a major influence on social issues and processes. Thus, the question arises whether their contribution is needed at all. The film "The Voice of Max Frisch" tells Frisch's story as a "voice", explaining how his active contribution to society developed and how this became an integral part of his entire life. While Frisch focuses on his personal situation, his perspective also reflects the history of the 20th century as a whole, which he experienced mostly in Switzerland and Germany and which he witnessed almost from the beginning to the end
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