رحلة تبدو تقليدية لشيخ شاب في مسجد حكومي ينتقل من إمامة الصلاة إلى أن يصبح مشهوراً في التلفاز يصدر "فتاوى" يقبلها الملايين الذين أصبحوا معجبين به نتيجة شجاعته ومحاولاته للابتعاد عن الخطاب الديني المعتاد في مجتمع متأثر بشدة بالأصولية.
Mawlana tells the story of the well-known preacher Hatem Al Shenawy who hosts a series of moral, ethical and religious debates through his popular TV show, which enjoys worldwide audience of millions of people. Best known for his clear-cut and sensible answers to questions posed by callers and guests, Hatem's audiences are unaware of his inner conflicts. He has to conceal what he really thinks about religious issues, especially under the restrictions imposed by the state security.