Une enquête sur l'un des plus mythiques magazines de bandes dessinées français : le numéro 14 de la revue Marvel, publié par les éditions Lug et interdit par la censure en 1971. Une véritable légende urbaine entoure ce périodique. A-t-il été détruit après impression ? Certains exemplaires ont-ils été mis en vente ou dérobés avant destruction ? Depuis, des générations de collectionneurs recherchent le Marvel 14...
Marvel 14 : super heroes vs. censorship is a documentary that tells the tale of issue 14 of french comic book Marvel, who was censored and banned before publication. The Marvel comic books were at the time censored in France, being largely redrawn and cut for content. Both the left wing (american comics supposedly were symbols of the american imperialism) and the right wing (for the violent and immoral content) put pressure on the editors, even with death threats, to stop the mag. Issue 14 was not never released, but a few copy may have survived and it became an urban legend. The documentary also establishes the history of Marvel comics and widens to the censorship situation in the late 60s in France. Available in 2 versions : 26mns and 52mns.