Marigold Lexton (Ali Larter), a self-centered and temperamental young American actress, arrives in India expecting to be treated like a star, despite the fact that she has been making nothing but B movie sequels for some time. She is stranded in Goa after the film she was to star in is canceled, and a sympathetic crew member offers her a ride, which brings her to the set of another movie, a Bollywood musical film. She actually tells her boyfriend Barry that she was hoping she wouldn't have to marry him if this trip was successful, and soon finds herself the center of attraction on the set, where she quickly lands a minor role and a date with the spoiled young lead actor. But after she rebuffs his crude proposal that night she winds up talking with Prem (Salman Khan), the film's choreographer. He knows she lied about being able to dance, and takes her in hand while showing her the nearby towns and countryside in their spare time.
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