The film begins with a drunk Rahul Dewan, racing in a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado against an Audi, after he is seduced by a woman in the passenger seat. He loses control and crashes into a wall on the footpath by the road. The film cuts to a court scene where Sakthivel aka Sakthi (Udhayanidhi Stalin), an LLB (law-degree) graduate defending a surgeon against a Public interest law (PIL) filed against him after the surgeon had his son operate upon a pregnant woman in his pursuit of Guinness World Records. Sakthi loses the case but decides to move to the capital Chennai to try his luck. He happens to see prominent criminal lawyer Adhiseshan (Prakash Raj) defending Rahul in a sessions court. Rahul is accused of causing death under the influence of alcohol. Adhiseshan convinces the judge that prosecution had no evidence to implicate Rahul and he was being deliberately targeted by the media as he was from a rich family, resulting in Rahul's acquittal.
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