Eight women and one man ... The artist at the end of his forties is going through the deepest private and existential crisis of his life. His world built with much care and lots of energy is about to collapse. The secret polygamous affairs he has been involved in for so many years are taking their toll on him, and cannot even look in the mirror. Despite his age and being on the verge of a nervous break-down, he seems to be inapt to grow up, stick with one girl and take responsibility - even though occasionally he tries to make this impression. He is trying to satisfy his enormous desire for freedom by "taking alternative roads" - all in vain. Sometimes he still finds pleasure in his lifestyle but after a while it seems impossible to keep up with the complicated network of his relationships. In the interpretation of various female characters, we get a better understanding of the seemingly stereotypical conflicts between women and men concerning the question of time, fidelity, and other