Lost Voyage

The movie opens introducing Aaron Roberts (8 years old) along with his Father, stepmother and Grandmother. Before his Father and Stepmother depart from Jersey, they offer Aaron a special pocket knife as a gift, which he swiftly rejects and criticises his new Stepmother, stating that “She’s not my Mother! Having parted from Aaron, his Father and Stepmother discuss Aaron’s behaviour and conclude to “Give him time” Then, upon the bridge of the Corona Queen, the Captain and crew discover a mysterious signal fast approaching. Moments later, homicidal spirits enter the ship, wounding the Captain and enter the quarters of Aaron’s Father and Stepmother. The entire crew are killed off screen and the Corona enters the mysterious dimension of the Bermuda Triangle. Shifting to the present day (25 years later) the grown Aaron Roberts is depicted recording the story of the Mary Celeste. Then a mysterious, black figure is seen outside his office. He tells Aaron that the similarities between the 2 cases (Mary Celeste and Corona Queen) are remarkable. Aaron contradicts him by telling him that the Corona Queen has never been found. Then, the figure moves away and vanishes off screen. Aaron quickly encounters his colleague Mary who tells him that the Corona Queen has been found adrift off the Bermuda islands. We are then introduced to Dana Elway and Julie Largow, who discover the story of the Corona Queen and conclude to fly out to the ship to capture a memorable story. As TV rivals, Dana is unhappy to hear that Julie is taking over for Dana whilst on vacation. Dana decides to visit Aaron’s apartment and attempt to convince him to accompany her team to the Corona. At first, Aaron refuses but after a dream taking him back to the tragic events on the Corona, he accepts.

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  • TheTVDB.com Movie ID 31113
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide October 23, 2001
  • Runtime 96 minutes
  • Genres Horror Thriller
  • Original Country United States of America
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages English
  • Production Company Oceanbound Productions Unified Film Organization (UFO)
  • Production Countries United States of America
  • On Other Sites IMDB TheMovieDB.com
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin

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