Nicolas mène une existence paisible. Il a des parents qui l'aiment, une bande de chouettes copains avec lesquels il s'amuse bien, et il n'a pas du tout envie que cela change...
Mais un jour, Nicolas surprend une conversation entre ses parents qui lui laisse penser que sa mère est enceinte. Il panique alors et imagine le pire : bientôt un petit frère sera là, qui prendra tellement de place que ses parents ne s'occuperont plus de lui, et qu'ils finiront même par l'abandonner dans la forêt comme le Petit Poucet...
На первый взгляд, Николя такой же ребёнок, как и все. Однако, рассказ о его приключениях не перестаёт захватывать огромным количеством проделок, которые он постоянно вытворяет со своей компанией! Николя и его компания сеют всюду на своём пути небывалый беспорядок и веселые раздоры.
In 1960s Paris, a young boy named Nicolas and his friends get into all sorts of mischief, both intentional and unintentional. Matters worsen when Nicolas, a single child, thinks his mother is pregnant and a baby brother is forthcoming. A friend of Nicolas's has a baby brother and thinks brotherhood is horrible. Thanks to his friend's ideas, Nicolas believes this means his parents don't love him anymore and will abandon him. He and his pals embark on several schemes to raise 500 francs to have the baby kidnapped and left in a jungle. But before any drastic consequences are successful, Nicolas learns how nice it is to be a big brother. When he discovers his mother ''isn't'' pregnant, Nicholas is upset. Eventually, his parents have a baby, which Nicolas looks forward to; however, he gets a sister instead of a brother and tells his parents he should have asked for a puppy.
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