Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin (Eric Tsang) has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer. He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu (Natalis Chan). During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man (Michael Miu), to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice. The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.
出身于犯罪世家的李志坚(曾志伟 饰)却从小立志做警察。皇天不负苦心人,终于借着警队破例收纳残疾人士的机会,个矮的李志坚如愿加入警队并进入了毒品调查组,在成功完成任务后,志坚再入扫黄组,执行任务期间被流莺恬妞(恬妞 饰)破处并爱上了对方,但恬妞很快消失于茫茫人海。志坚再调重案组,这次的对手是极恶罪犯“无人性”,志坚一举将无人性击毙,引得无人性父亲请出精于乔装的杀手“千面人”(苗侨伟 饰)为儿子报仇,千面人出手连害多名警员,重案组一时风声鹤唳,人人请调,李志坚受命与千面人周旋到底,这位小小小警察的无厘头警员经历该如何收场?