Documental sobre la pedagoga Leonela Relys, creadora del método de alfabetización más innovador hasta el momento, el Yo, sí puedo. Las palabras de Leo nos hacen reflexionar sobre los analfabetismos y la alfabetización y sirven como hilo conductor para que el espectador descubra el verdadero mal que está frenando el progreso de la historia hacia un mundo mejor.
A group of people are attending the screening of an interview with Leonela Relys, a humble Cuban teacher who created a simple literacy method, Yes, I can, with this method, more than 20 million people have been literate in a bit more than one decade. A didactic and innovative method awarded by UNESCO and which has represented a new hope in the struggle for a literate and cultured world. Leonela words, along with the participation of other characters, are the common thread of this document that goes deep into the problem of illiteracy. Testimony to testimony we are discovering the germ of all the inequalities, discriminations and injustices that hit the world